Do This To Trigger Big Success Instantly

Today, I would like to encourage you to do this.  Do one thing.  Yep, just one simple thing to move your business forward.  To move you one step closer to your dream lifestyle.  I don’t care if it just takes 5 minutes to do.  If you’ve been putting things off, now’s the time to take a stand and get it done.

The main reason I want you to do this is: it could be the thing that pushes you over the edge into success.  That one small act can trigger much bigger acts as a result.  There are tons of studies and research to prove this.  In fact, many people now are developing ‘habit plans’.  I urge you to do this as well.  Lets say your goal is to lose weight.  You need a trigger and a habit plan.  So, you decide to set your alarm clock at a spot where you have to get out of bed to go turn it off.  You could put the alarm clock next to your running shoes.  The night before you could go to sleep in your running shoes.  The alarm is the trigger.  When you get up, all you have to do is slip on your shoes, get out the door and run.  The effects multiply from there in a way that you can’t even imagine.

I heard about a woman whose husband left her.  She was devastated, depressed and lost.  For a while, she turned to very bad habits that wasn’t her.  She wanted to quit smoking.  Instead of stopping smoking, she went for runs.  She liked her running that much, she decided to run a marathon.  Now, she’s fit like crazy.  She meets a great new guy at a marathon.  Her confidence is now soaring and she’s got a huge promotion at work.  One small action, running instead of smoking and it transformed her life.

That’s what just one small act can do for you.  Of course, like this lady, you don’t just stop there.  You need to be consistent.  You need to keep the ball rolling when you start.  It gets much easier when you set up triggers and a personal habit plan.

Today, I want you to do something that’s truly productive.  Not watching, reading, or soaking in info but actually doing something.  I hope you get some newfound joy, confidence and success after your small action today.

Go here, when you’re ready to take things to the next level.

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