Every online business opportunity has success stories and failure stories. Of course, the gurus don’t advertise the failures but they are out there. It’s the age of the internet. You can find anything you want. If you’re looking for bad reviews for a home based business opportunity, you’ll find them.
Here’s a dirty little secret. Most online business opportunities have more failures than success stories. It’s a fact. You won’t hear most gurus talking about it but it’s true. Here’s the thing. If, the opportunity works for the people who do the steps, it’s not the business system or the guru’s fault if most of their students or partners don’t make huge success.
So, whose fault is it? I think the answer might surprise you. I believe it’s nobody’s fault. It’s simply the fault of human nature. In any business, 80% of the people who sign up, will fail. Period:
- 80% of the people who join a fitness centre will fail to get in shape.
- 80% of the people who buy a book, will never put the advice into action (heck most of them don’t even read the book).
- 80% of the people who become a member of a home based business opportunity will never even do the first step.
- Is it the fitness centre staff’s fault that the member didn’t show up to work out?
- Is it the author’s fault that the reader didn’t put their advice to use?
- Is it the guru’s fault that the member didn’t work the program?
Of course not, it’s just human nature. You just have to choose what you want to believe. Do you want to believe the 80% who never do anything and then complain they didn’t get results? Or would you rather believe the ones who actually work the program and get the results?
If you want to hear more about folks just like you who did the work and got the results in Click Funnels,
Check it out today.
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