The Gun-To-Your-Head Success Method

Direct marketing Titan, John Carlton attributes his success to writing: “As if his life depended on it.”  His very first success came when all he had left was enough savings for one month’s rent, a last tank full of petrol and a lead on some books that might help him.  That’s it.  He lives by the “gun to your head” philosophy of success to this day.

You might be wondering why.  According to John, when you have a “gun to your head” you do not experiment.  You don’t get too creative.  You get very clear with your message and you stick to only what works.  You ask: “If my life depended on it, would I write this line?”

Most wannabe entrepreneurs will tell you that they’re waiting for something in their life to change and provide them with favorable circumstances to start their own online business.  It’s exactly the opposite advice that one of the world’s greatest marketers would give them.

Waiting until the gun is no longer at your head may be the worst time to start a business, it may be too late.  If you’re waiting for just the right circumstances to pursue your online dreams, take the advice of the great John Carlton and just do it now.

Click here to get started.

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