The Simple Math Needed To Quit Your Job

This business can be easy or hard.  Simple math can earn you a lot of money in this business.  It can most definitely help you replace your job income or a nice 6 figure salary.  For e.g. It’s easy to find out how many leads it takes you to acquire a customer.          

If you’re running a FB ad and it takes 100 leads and $200 to get 2 new customers at $47 for your intro offer.  A 2% to 3% conversion rate is fairly common for cold traffic.  At this point, it doesn’t sound too good, does it?  Not unless you have back end offers in place.  This is where most miss out big time.        

What if every 5 buyers of your low ticket offer, you get a $1,000 offer.  Do you see how the profits scale over on your side now?  With competition, ad costs and what it takes to get a customer these days, you’re in deep waters without a high ticket back end offer set up in your business.  That’s what I’m seeing.

Many customers want, need and are desperately seeking offers like this to invest in.  These customers are the ones that most often are the most successful.  Would we be doing folks a disservice if we did not offer them the best help and support we can.  Of course, then there’s the fulfillment of the high ticket offer. 

Do you have a high ticket offer up and running yet?  Please don’t waste your ad money until you do. 

This may be a good fit for you.

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