What To Do When You Have Everything At Your Fingertips?

In an article on the humour site, cracked.com, author David Wong made the following paraphrased comment: “You now have all the information about everything at your fingertips…so why aren’t you a genius?”  He was making a joke but he has a point.

Just 20 short years ago, the internet still hadn’t made it to most homes or even most parts of the world.  Today, its everywhere.  In 20 short years we’ve made all the world’s information readily available.

I think rather than making us smarter, it’s made us lazier.  Instead of studying, reading and learning things, we simply shrug and say: “If I need to know it, I’ll just Google it”  It has paralyzed us.  Rather than take all the information and actually do something with it, we just feel overwhelmed.  When you’re options are virtually unlimited, it’s hard to decide where to even begin.

So, how do you overcome laziness and paralysis and actually benefit from all this information overload.  First, commit to actually doing something.  Click Funnels offers a plan to building your business. 

Secondly, block out the noise.  In today’s information overload economy, it’s not what you know, it’s what you ignore.  I believe the most successful online entrepreneurs of the next decade will not be the ones who know more than everyone else.  They’ll be the ones who ignore the most.  The ones who the ability to shut out the noise, focus and get to work.

In today’s info overload world, you no longer have the “I don’t know” excuse.  All that’s left is “I didn’t do” and that’s not an excuse at all.

Commit, focus and do it.

Check out Click Funnels here.

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