Which Do You Think Is More Important?

I hate it when something is incredibly functional but incredibly ugly like Crocs.  Have you ever worn Crocs?  They’re so nice.  You can run, walk, hike, get wet, go to the beach, trek the desert, mountain climb and do just about anything in Crocs.

Maybe you haven’t worn Crocs.  If you haven’t, its probably because they’re butt ugly.  It looks like you have coloured, plastic cheese on your feet but they’re so functional.  This puts me in a tough spot.  Do I care more about functionality or aesthetics?

One thing’s for sure.  Click Funnels is functional.  A lot of things are designed to look good.  They come out of the question: “How can we make this look great so that people will want to buy it?  Functionality is an after thought.  Click Funnels takes a different approach.  It focuses on functionality first and only then worries about all the rest later on.  The best thing about it is that it works very well.

So, do you care more about functionality or aesthetics?  Are you more worried about what looks good or what works?

Click here if you care about what works.

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