Why Wishy-Washy People Don’t Make It Online?

Peter Thiel’s Zero to One is a fantastic book.  Every business person should read it.  In the chapter called “You Are Not A Lottery Ticket” he outlines a framework for understanding the actions of consumers, businesses and even nations.  This really applies to your financial future.

Thiel believes there’s 4 views of the future that you can hold:

  1. Definite Optimism – You believe that your actions impact the future and that the future will be good.
  2. Definite Pessimism – You believe that your actions impact the future and that the future will be bad.
  3. Indefinite Optimism – You believe that your actions do not impact the future but the future will be good.
  4. Indefinite Pessimism – You believe that your actions do not impact the future and the future will be bad.

Which of these describe you?  I think most people that work a 9 to 5 job, fall into category 3.  They are indefinite optimists.  They believe that the future will be good but they don’t really believe that what they do will have much of an impact on whether or not the future is good.

This is why they take the safe route.  They take no risks.  Why take risks if you have no control over the future?  Just sit around, play it safe and hope the future is better… just because.  Those folks will never make it running their own online business.

The only people who are successful at running their own online business are definite optimists.  People who believe the future will be better and that their actions will contribute to building that better future.  These people have vision, goals and big dreams.  They know if they take the right action that they’ll achieve them.  They take risks and they dare.

So, are you a definite optimist?  If you are, you’ll fit right in with Click Funnels.  Click Funnels is designed for definite optimists.  There’s simple steps to help you build your online empire.  The steps work. 

Don’t be indefinite.  Don’t buy into the lie that your actions don’t impact the future.  The future is yours to build.  One step at a time.

Click here to check it out.

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