Bill Gates and Anthony Robbins have both been quoted as saying: “Most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year and underestimate what they can accomplish in 10 years.” I’m not sure if the first part of that statement is true but I do know the second part is.
The things you can accomplish in 10 years if you start today and work toward your goal every single day are astronomical. Malcolm Gladwell claims that to achieve mastery of any skill like Bill Gates achieved mastery over software or The Beatles achieved mastery over rock music takes 10,000 hours. If you work 8 hours a day at something for 10 years, that’s 29,200 hours. That’s 3 times more than it takes to master a skill. So, given those numbers you could achieve mastery in only 3 years.
You must do 2 things:
- You must start today
- You must put in the effort every single day
Russel Brunson has developed a system that can help you achieve your dreams of financial freedom in less than 3 years. Thousands of people just like you have developed a great second income and hundreds have achieved financial rewards beyond their wildest dreams.
They didn’t get there overnight. That would be overestimating the potential of the short term. They did get there in a few months by starting “today” and working every day at Russel’s system. They were blown away by how much they could accomplish.
Now it’s your turn.
If you can, click here to get started.

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