For decades, strange things happened near North Pond in central Maine. Many said that the surrounding woods were haunted. Equipment, food and books would vanish from local camp grounds without explanation. Doors to people’s houses and doors which had definitely been locked the night before would be found unlocked as well as various odd items would be gone from the house.
It’s scary, right? Every one has their theory. Some thought it was a group of vandals and some thought whatever it was, it wasn’t human. 2 years ago, the cause was discovered. It was a man named Christopher Knight. His story is fascinating. He made over 1,000 successful burglaries without getting caught.
He lived alone in the woods and only came into contact with 1 other person in the span of 27 years. Perhaps Knight’s greatest feat was his survival of the long brutal Maine winters where temperatures dropped below zero for months at a time. He didn’t have a house. He never lit a fire for fear of being caught. He lived in a tent.
When Knight did get caught, every one wanted to know, how did he do it? and how did he survive? His answer was through a system. Knight systematized survival. He knew exactly what time of year he needed to start eating lots of sugar so as to store up on body fat. He knew exactly when to start growing his beard out for warmth. He knew exactly when to sleep and for how long to sleep so that he would get the energy he needed without freezing to death in his sleep. Systems are powerful and they kept Christopher Knight alive for 27 years.
They’re also indispensable for running an online business. Tips are nice as are wisdom, advice and strategies which are all helpful. When the winter comes, you need a system.
That’s what Click Funnels is. A system for success in harsh conditions. It shows you how to start driving traffic to a high converting sales funnel. Every time a prospect goes through that funnel and becomes a customer, you make big commissions.
Click Funnels combines excellent training material, personal coaching and an already in place high converting sales funnel to make a really powerful system so that you can survive the harsh winter of online marketing.
Do you have a system for success in online marketing?
If not, use Russel’s by clicking here.

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