There’s lots of ways to live a sad, depressing and meaningless life. Not that you would want that but let’s just be real, we’re surrounded by miserable people. Maybe you know some or maybe you are one. You could be caught between what you want to do and what you have to do.
Does it sound familiar? Maybe you can relate. You could be burnt out, stressed out, forgot to be happy, having difficulty finding pleasure in the little things of life or having no time to spend with the people you love. While there’s many ways to make yourself miserable, here’s the best of them: Work for corporate.
There’s no better way to drain yourself of motivation, health and happiness than to sell your soul to cold, massive, machine that is corporate. Maybe, it’s not news to you.
So, why is corporate so good at sucking the life out of you? I’ll give you the main points instead of a 100 page essay:
In corporate, no one cares what you think. You’ve got an opinion. Great, save it until it dies. Maybe you haven’t heard, everyone knows better than you. No one wants to hear it. You can forget about making a meaningful difference in the company. That’s the kind of thing a recent college grad would try to do.
In corporate, at least 50% of your job is to do the stuff that no one else wants to do. You thought you were being hired for that thing you want to do? The thing you’re good at. That’s pretty funny. I don’t know why you would’ve thought that. You’re here to do what you’re told and you’re told to do the stuff that no one else wants to do.
In corporate, no one’s looking out for you. Dog eats dog and the only way to win is to get to the top. Only way to get to the top is to do politics, live for others and sell your soul. Oh and once you get to the top, things get worse. More pressure, less time, still living for others and you don’t get your soul back. Stick it out until retirement as that’s your best shot.
I could go on but I don’t think I need to. The point is that corporate is great at sucking the life out of you but there’s news amongst all the gloom and doom. You don’t have to work for corporate. You can work for yourself. You can do your own thing.
Click Funnels is a training system that teaches you how to do just that. Each step takes you a bit closer to a sustainable income from a source that’s not corporate. One of the reasons why Click Funnels works for inexperienced people is that it pairs you with an experienced coach. Someone who knows what they’re doing. Someone who’s already making 6 or 7 figures in the industry.
So, here’s the deal. It’s free to sign up for Click Funnels. This means you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.
You could alternatively try corporate. Maybe if you keep plugging away, you can craft a decent existence in corporate. It could be just a pipe dream but it’s your life to do with as you please.
My suggestion is to stop dreaming and get started working towards the life you want by clicking here.
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