What’s the greatest obstacle to being a great internet marketer? Internet marketing. Are you confused? I’ll illustrate with a story. A young boy once stood tall on a tall building which overlooked a city. He looked out over all the hustle and bustle, he said to himself: “I desire to do good to mankind. I will make it my goal to do the most good I possibly can to all men and women.”
After some thought, the boy decided the best way to achieve his goal was to start a great organization devoted to ending world poverty. He persisted in working towards that goal. He was motivated and he was smart but he had one weakness. Every time he came across a person in need in the big city, he would stop everything and help. After all, he desired to do good to mankind. His desire to start the great organization took him from place to place in the city. Every time he set out to go somewhere, he would run into a person in need. Every time he ran into a person in need, he would stop everything to help.
He couldn’t get anything done. He let himself get interrupted and interrupted all because of his desire to do good to mankind. Each time, he would push his goal a little bit further. Finally at 80 years old, he stood atop the same building he had stood on as a young boy. As he looked out over the city, he realised that he hadn’t accomplished what he had set out to do. He hadn’t started the great organisation.
So, where did he go wrong? He had let his desire to do good to mankind let him away from his plan to achieve that goal.
The same can also happen in internet marketing. There’s an endless ocean of resources all screaming for your attention. When you try to chase down every interesting article, every method, every system or every resource you’ll find yourself in the middle of the ocean, empty handed with nothing to show for years of work.
The advantage is that it brings all the content, info and methods in one place. So, you don’t need to be scrounging the internet looking for help. It’s all there, in one spot:
- Training program
- Experienced coach
- Highly converting sales funnel
- High ticket products
Don’t be like the young boy. Choose something and stick with it. You get the info, coaching, sales funnel and the product you need for a thriving home business. No need to waste time searching and sorting.
Click here to get started.
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