Money Tips From Captain America

Recently I watched the movie Captain America: The Winter Soldier.  It was pretty awesome.  There were lots of marketing and business lessons in it.  It traced back to Captain America’s origins and was seen by most as a 85 lb. weakling who was deemed unfit for duty.  He tried at least 5 times to get into the army.  Failure after failure and rejection after rejection but he still kept trying.  The brilliant scientist that turned hi into Captain America was attracted to him by his never give up attitude.  One of the most important attributes he had was that he had heart.  He cared and he hated bullies.

Same thing applies in business.  If you really want to make it, you can’t give up.  If you want it badly enough, you’ll keep trying.  Failure after failure and you’ll keep at it.  There is only one option and that is success.  It’s not all about making money.  Similar to Captain America, it has to come from the heart.  To solve other people’s problems, you have to care.  He hated bullies, that was a big driver for him.  Who’s your bully?  Someone who doesn’t believe in you and this online business?  It could be your boss.  Whoever it is, you need to be determined to prove them wrong and get yourself into a position where you never have to deal with a bully.

Moving on, even after Captain America achieved superhero powers, he was treated like a carny.  He was going around doing plays and trying to pump up the US people.  This isn’t what he wanted to do, he wanted to be on the battle lines where he thought he could make a real difference.  Instead, he was getting mocked by the soldiers and he was seen as a joke.  Nobody took him seriously until he took himself seriously and made things happen for himself.    This is when they all took note and he earned their respect.  Then people started following him.

In your online business, you may have acquired great skills and knowledge, your own super powers.  No one gives you permission to succeed.  No one just hands you everything you need to succeed on a silver platter.  Nothing is going to happen until you take your results seriously enough to stand up and make things happen on your own.  To really take that leadership role and initiative in your life. Give yourself that permission to do well.  Go out and start doing it and success will follow.

Later on in the movie once Captain America saves the world from the villain Red Skull, he ends up being frozen for 60 years in the deep ocean.  When he’s found all these years later to out time today, he was confused.  The one thing that got him back in the game and built up his confidence was a big reason why.  A mission and knowing that he was needed.  Many people are frozen in their own business.  They could have achieved some results and then lagged off a bit.  But they are in that frozen state of inactivity not getting anything worthwhile done that could make them fulfilled and change their lives for the better.  Who brings them out of this state?  They have got to want to.  They need a big enough reason why.  It could be something for themselves, for people they love or they might want to do this business for a personal reason.  It has to be big enough so that’ll knock them back into their senses and into action taking mode.

In the movie Captain America finds out that he can trust anyone.  He learns to trust his gut and rely on his instincts.  He looked at the truth and facts instead of hype and false promises.  Whether it’s online or in business in general, you have to realise that not everyone will have your best interests at heart, even if it seems they do.  Trust your gut.  Trust your instincts.  Don’t only look at what others are saying, research and find the facts yourself.  Try to protect yourself the best you can but at the same time not losing trust and seeing the greatness in most people and seeing that most people do want to help and be there for you.

There’s always some great life and business thoughts that come out of the movies, books and music.  I hope some of these tips today have hit home with you.

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