Sympathy For Internet Marketers

Have you ever watched a 6 hour commercial?  Well, Virgin Airlines made one.  This might make you wonder, why on earth someone would make a 6 hour commercial?

First off, let’s admit it.  As soon as we hear that there’s a 6 hour commercial out there, there’s a part of us that really wants to see it.  Maybe not all of it but at least some of it.  It attracts people through the power of curiosity but there’s more to it than that.

The commercial was filmed to show how well Virgin Airlines understands and sympathises with it’s customers who have experienced needlessly painful and boring plane flights.  The do this by recreating with painstaking detail a long, painful, bland plane flight in real time.  The commercial is painful, weird and also hilarious because it rings so true.  They prove their point.  They understand and thus have the ability to address the unique difficulties their customers experience in air travel.

Russel Brunson who is the creator of Click Funnels hasn’t made any 6 hour commercials yet but maybe he should.  He understands the plight of the internet marketer who wants to badly make it in the world of internet marketing.  Before his success with Click Funnels, he stumbled around. 

He invested lots of money.  He worked long tiring hours.  He persisted until eventually when things started changing.

Now he’s the head of one of the industry’s fastest growing companies.  He understands the difficulties involved to make it in internet marketing.

Click Funnels the program that Russel designed to systematize the journey he took from a clueless college kid to an incredibly successful internet marketer.  Click Funnels shows that Russel understands.  It’s success is in training people to start making big commissions online via internet marketing.  That success proves that Russel understands.

So, if you’ve ever had difficulties in try to make it in internet marketing.  Russel understands, he sympathizes and he’s built a system to show it.  It’s free to sign up for Click Funnels.

For those of you who are effortlessly making 5 or 6 figures in the industry, Maybe Click Funnels isn’t for you.  For you beginners who think you won’t be facing serious difficulties, maybe Click Funnels isn’t for you.

For everyone else go here.

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