What do you think of Caitlyn Jenner? If you’ve been pulling a Rip Van Winkle and sleeping through the last 12 months or so, you may still know Caitlyn by her previous name which is Bruce Jenner. She is Kim Kardashian’s step Dad.
A while back, Bruce decided he didn’t want to be Bruce anymore. Now “he” is “she.” Caitlyn Jenner or Cait for short. Whether you think Cait is a publicity seeking weirdo or a courageous role model for transgender people, you gotta admit one thing, she was unhappy about something in her life, so she took action. She did something about it. Regardless of what you think about her, you have to give her that much.
It’s more than I can say for most people. Most people prefer to be unhappy. You might be saying: “Come on, nobody prefers to be unhappy, that’s ridiculous.” It’s not ridiculous. You either prefer to stay unhappy or you take action and do something about it.
Let’s say, you’re unhappy with your income, you will either have the courage to take action like Cait to start your own business or you just prefer to be unhappy with your income. Period.
Click here when you’re ready to prove you no longer prefer to be unhappy.
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