Why Playing It Safe Is The Most Dangerous Move?

I have a short but important message for you today.  It’s something I need to get off my chest.  One of the most common objections I hear when I ask people why they haven’t started their own business is: “I just want to play it safe, right now.”  I shake my head in disbelief every time I hear it.

I have some questions for you:

  • How can you believe working a “regular” job is safer after what happened in 2008?
  • How can you believe putting your security in someone else’s hands is safe?
  • How can you believe that an income that could be eliminated overnight is safe?
  • How can you believe that a job that a young person is willing to do for half the salary is safe?
  • How can you believe a job that could be outsourced to someone oversees for one-tenth of the salary is safe?

I prefer to go with Helen Keller.  Helen says danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure.  The fearful are caught as often as the bold.  In other words, you’re just as likely to fail “playing it safe” as you are “playing it bold.”

One offers:

  • Great rewards
  • Freedom
  • Great wealth
  • Adventure
  • Pride and accomplishment beyond measure
  • A life of luxury

Nobody ever achieved anything great playing it safe.  Nobody.  Which way will you play it?

Click here to get started on your adventure.

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